Tuesday, April 25, 2006

no small victory

It's not everyday I feel accomplished, but today is an exception. Minor detective work has paid off: I kicked fucking Tammy's fucking ass in the assignment we completed together - though graded separately - and all the while she made a dozen or so inferior remarks toward my intelligence and dignity and she jinxed my Toyota engine (which is really hard to do) the entire short-lived time we worked together.

I received the 3rd highest score in our class of twenty-five (finishing in the top 3 sounds so much better - though it undoubtedly places me third)!

Her score was below the class average.

Why was I wishing her inconvenient car trouble?

I should have wished myself the guts to say "fuck off, Tammy!"

Nice girls do finish...well - at least ahead of Tammys! And so the old Adam Corolla joke holds true: there is absolutely no way that anyone named Tammy ever graduated from Princeton.


Charlotte said...

your fucking tammy link keeps taking me to a microsoft page! is this happening to anyone else, or is my computer insane?

Charlotte said...

Oh, and congrats!!! :)

madge said...

Strange! It's fixed!

carolina anne said...

Awesome work- did I tell you I got my last F in math raised to an 82%? Now there's actually a chance I might pass the class. "Anyways" I thought I would stop in and say hi. 'A Buck Fifty' has been completely deleted and now I choose to remain 100% anonymous. Love you.

Tits McGee said...

Fuck you again, Tammy!

kimberlina said...

fuck you, tammy! and fuck your below average grade, you lowlife!

hrmph. serves her right. i hope to see you gloating like crazy cakes next time i see you!

Anonymous said...

Ummm, we both went to hairdo school and there is nothing wrong with that, you bitches!

Spinning Girl said...

p.s. My sister has a co-worker named Bambi. try being taken seriously with that name. A delivery guy came one time and said, "I'm looking for ... uhhh... Thumper?" True story.

madge said...

.V. Welcome!

Tits & Kim: Yes! Fuck HER!

Tammy & Amy Cambell: fuck you both!

SG: I went to middle school with a Bambi. When her mom died unexpectedly in a hunting accident, our math teacher pulled her aside and said, "Your mother can't be with you, anymore."

No. That's not true. But seriously...who would name their kid Bambi? Or Tammy, even?

FRITZ said...

Tammy: you bitch. You soulless, unkind, heartless, cruel, devisive, innane, troglodytic, audacious, thorny whore. You fuck with Madge one more time and I swear upon everything green and virile in this world I will come down and smote thee with one whisk of my horned and pointed ovary.

Well, either that, or Madge is going to continue to whip your sad, jealous, unedjamacated ass to the curb.

Uh. Yeah. How you like Madge NOW?

madge said...

Damn Fritz. You got my back.