Sunday, April 23, 2006

6 things a shit ton of people don't know about me

  • I think about death every single day. I think about different ways I might die - car accident, heart disease, gunshot, suffocation, melanoma, ovarian cancer, stroke, etc. (Trust me, I could go on. And on.). Every. Single. Day. This might have something to do with the fact that I live alone, and because of that, I also think about how long it would take for someone to notice me being dead in my apartment. Would it be sooner than the stench?
  • I'm not sure I want to be a librarian after all is said and done.
  • I do not wear deodorant.
  • Richard Dreyfuss and Tom Hanks really make me aggitated. I can't see their movies.
  • My fastest mile was 6:54. Kind of fast, but not super fast.
  • Late Friday afternoon, I cleaned out the work fridge and strategically put smelly, rotting broccoli crowns in the classroom of a teacher I don't like.
  • I just might be a bitch. Oops. That's seven!


Tits McGee said...

Stinky pits on girls are hot. So are bitches.

And if you died, we would all notice your absence from the blog, so fear not, Madge. We've got your back.

Meghan said...

ok, the broccoli thing rocks. hero-making material right there.

as for the death thing... i've always thought about death. personal favourite way i've thought that i was going to die: having a toddler sitting on a plastic-embellished mat on my lap... the little plastic faces (or whatever they were) dug into the artery in my thigh in such a way that i thought i was truly going to kick it in a preschool.


madge said...

Tits: thank you! For everything!

Meghan: The broccoli thing didn't work! It didn't stink up the room at all, as I checked first thing this morning. So I threw it out.

Excuse me - must go boil eggs...

Spinning Girl said...

I think I love you.

ps, big ups for use of one of my favorite terms : "shit ton"

Spinning Girl said...

ps broc didn't work? try shrimp next time.

kimberlina said...

madge, you are truly the bestest best. i can also give you some dried squid to leave in said teacher's desk drawers...

it's funny, i often think about death myself. like when i get weird chest pains and my left arm goes numb? no, but really, sometimes i get weird chest muscle spasms.

and really? no librarian? oh, do elucidate!

::licks your pits::

FRITZ said...

Number one is revealing; I do believe most people think about death everyday. I especially think single people think about it for the same exact reason you do. If you move in with your boyfriend, this will dissipate. Nudge, nudge (Fritz wants Madge to feel safe and loved).
Number Two: You know, when I was a junior in college, I knew I didn't want to be a social worker. But I kept plugging away because I was too far into my studies to quit. It's okay, though, it doesn't tie you down to anything.
NUMBER THREE HAS GOT ME BAFFLED: Do you not have sweat glands? See, I sweat like a man. So I cannot comprehend not wearing deoderant. Why don't you? Just curious/jealous/fascinated.
-Richard Dreyfuss and Tom Hanks are completely annoying.
-HOLY SHIT THAT'S FAST. My mile is like ten minutes. GO MADGE!
-For some reason, I cannot believe you put nasty broccoli in a teacher's room. That is incredible. And so not what I thought Madge would do. That's something I would do, not sweet Madge! Good for you for having an alter-ego
Lastly, you may have some bitch tendancies. But you know what? That's cool. You're the secret weapon bitch.

madge said...

SG: Then I love you a shit ton.

Kimberlina IE: (IE: is engaged!) Okay, I will give you the skinny on my revealing comment. I am an odd duck in the library school. By this I mean that I flocked toward library science for reasons that I'm discovering not a lot of people do - just plain 'ol literacy. I am into the community thing. I am into the teaching thing. I am into the literacy thing. But I am definitely not common, and that's okay, of course! But it has hurt me a little, and maybe my confidence, too.

Thanks for licking my pits; you too are the bestest of the best.

Fritz: Gol' dang! Thanks for the thoughtful comment. I don't wear deodorant because I am oblivious to my own sweat and BO. Really. I might stink and drip, but I don't notice it. I'm also kind of anti-aluminum in light of its linkage to Alzheimer's; I have tried all-natual products (even vinegar!), but in the end, it's just one extra thing I forget to do.

I like being called the secret-weapon bitch. It makes passive aggresive sound so sexy, no?


Meghan said...

excellent.. you definitely just posted a comment on my blog just as i hit "post" on the next one.

for some reason, that makes me laugh.


madge said...

I think it's funny too!

kimberlina said...

goodness - so why do people get into library science, then? ::confuzzled::

wait, is it the never-ending parties and orgies that happen in the stacks after dark? damnit, i knew it.


Spring, Ph.D. said...

Hahaha! I *have* to remember that broccoli thing. Priceless!

Spring, Ph.D. said...

Oh, wait...just read the comments, the broccoli didn't work?

Well then, to quote roseanne roseanadana...never mind.

madge said...

K.I.E.: That's a good question. I don't know. But the orgies are awesome, anyway.

Spring: It didn't work! Curiously, the broccoli turned white-ish yellow, but the stench never carried that was sad. But I'm all about fridge is full-o-spoiled foods. I have two unfinished 1/2 gallons of milk dated early April, in fact...

Tits McGee said...

You librarians are superfreaks.

Mama like.

kimberlina said...

tits makes me laugh - i just snorted coffee out my nose.


madge said...

Um, she's hilarious.

Mama like!