Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Batten down the hatches!

I'm boarding a plane soon.

I'm sucking on a Cold-Eeze lozenge.

In a few days, I'll become "the bitch that got the whole plane sick."

Yeah. That'll be me.


Tits McGee said...

Safe travels, Madge!

kimberlina said...

woohoo! official title for the madge. do take care of yourself & get lots of happy rest.

::gives you good vitamin c vibes::

madge said...

Where oh where has my little voice gone, oh where oh where can she be? With her ears cut short and her tail cut long, oh where oh where is she?

Help! I'm losing my voice!

kimberlina said...

oh, madge!


FRITZ said...

Just sneeze toward the babies...they get better faster.

Happy trails, missy!

kimberlina said...

madge. i am inhaling chocolate mini eggs. where are you? you must stop me! please, taketh these eggs from mine hands!

::sneezes sugar from her nose::

Tits McGee said...

Seriously, Kimberlina! I gained back a pound last week because of the Mini Egg orgy I've been having over here. Damn you, Madge!

::shakes chocolate-coated fist in fury::

kimberlina said...

::licks your fist::

Tits McGee said...
