Saturday, April 01, 2006

Fool This, April!

Okay. This what I call a complete procastination/utter boredom post. I know. It's Saturday. The weather is gorgeous. I want to go sit on my fire escape steps with a glass of wine and read. Or knit. I woke up early to write a "mini" research proposal for a class of mine; I'm sitting next to my open window inhaling brain power, but it's not taking. I have been wondering, for the last 4 hours, what in the hell I'm going to choose as a topic. And the research portion makes me want to go GAH. I've taken a coffee and donut break. I've taken a lemon seltzer break. I've taken a "Come here and let me love you silly cat!" break. I've taken a blog break(s) - who am I kidding. I've started thinking about flavors for Spinning Girl's Ice Cream Shoppe. I've brushed my hair. I've looked at my ironing board and kitchen sink and thought I'm a mess. I've daydreamed a lot about moving back West. I've called Steve, but he must still be sleeping. I've listened to a lot of music and alternate Belle & Sebastian songs are stuck in my head. I've been thinking about a woman I met yesterday whose husband bought her a $$ Mercedes convertible because he's bribing her to stay in their marriage. I'm considering more seltzer. Is it lunchtime yet? What is the rest of Tampa doing today? D. Sergei is a fuzz ball of love. Mom's birthday is Monday. I need to go to Crabtree & Evelyn (guilty pleasure of old women and Madge alike) for some hand therapy. I'd love to start getting organized for an upcoming trip to Portland. I wish I had some of these on hand. Okay. Enough of this! I really do have to get serious about how not serious I am.


kimberlina said...

oh my goodness, i hate those days. and love them. the days that you spend *thinking* really hard about working, but, in actuality, you barely make a dent in what you need to get done.

for myself, i slept in very late (11!) and cleaned the kitchen. i am now tackling laundry and thinking about stopping when halfway done. we don't really need sheets on the bed, right?

madge said...

You absolutely do not need sheets. On many tired nights, the mattress pad does just fine on its own...

I have/love these days, too. 1.5 pages down. Endless, depressing # of pages to follow...

Tits McGee said...

Mmm...Cadbury Mini-Eggs.

Damn you, Madge. Now I'll be craving them all night long.

madge said...

I was craving them, too. I ended up at Target last night...they only sold them in 1lb bags. It would have been too many. I declined. When I got home, I was pretty upset that I didn't have any mini eggs.

Tits McGee said...

I totally would have bought them. And eaten every last one.

madge said...

Okay, guilty admission: I also love the Cadbury Creme Eggs. Like - I have problems. So I switched to the mini eggs because they are "smaller", and without creme. Cadbury owns 65% of my arteries, I'm sure.

Easter killed Jesus and now it's killing me!

kimberlina said...

those mini eggs will be the death of me, too! i troll target stores after easter buying up as many bags as my arms will hold. mmm... and the caramel eggs...!!

i used to have an aversion to the creme eggs - i had yolk issues.

madge said...

Yes. I had yolk issues for, eh...24 or so years. I completely understand. It is very gross looking, and the idea is a little nasty, too.

Unfortunately, there is no turning back.

Tits McGee said...

Update! I now have my very own bag of mini eggs, and am quickly hoovering my way through them. Mmm mmm good!

And I'm totally with you on the caramel vs. creme eggs, Kimberlina. No offense, Madge.

FRITZ said...

Gah. RESEARCH. BORING. Blah. ICK! I remember them well, and that's what's keeping me from a master's program.

GAH. I really do feel for you. Just make some BS up.

By the way, how do you get a <♥> picture to come up on comments?

FRITZ said...


madge said...

When the semester is over, my life will return to normal. Until summer school begins. And again, I will be complaining about school every hour, on the hour. Without! fail.

My research is just a proposal - a one time deal - no actual research has to happen. I really do feel your pain.