Friday, March 31, 2006

Teacher of the Year

...Is none other than Kimberlina!

Last night, over brownies topped with toffee chips and wine/sparkling wine, and girl chatter and laughter, Kimberlina taught me the basics of knitting a scarf! Here are some pictures of my 1/100th scarf, and first-ever stitches:

You know that old saying, "cats like to play with yarn"?
(Please notice the upper left corner of the next photo. No, that's not Bunnicula!):

D. Sergei isn't into the yarn; he prefers the needles:

And taking naps, mid-excitement:

**I never said he was brilliant!

Thanks again, Kimberlina! You are every bit a darling for helping me!


kimberlina said...


today was spent in a foggy haze of sleepy-ness; i hope you had a wonderful friday!

and you are so very welcome and a super fast learner! that photo of d. sergei creeping in on the yarn & needles is absolutely adorable. careful, he might chomp them! mister thomas likes to chew on my needles, too. they smell fishy-like!

and no, no, thank YOU for joining us! i might break into that yummy chianti tonight... :)

Spinning Girl said...

waah, I wannna learn too!

Tits McGee said...

I'm soooooooooo jealous.

I already know how to knit, but I want the brownies, wine, girl chat, and the adorable kitty!

Can we trade cats? I think mine's broken. D. Sergei may not be brilliant, but I guarantee he's smarter than my little moron, who actually tries to consume the yarn.

madge said...

Kim: Yes...yesterday was all things sleepy/hazy/foggy, but I still felt so cool 'cos I learned how to knit! I will keep my needles on high ground. I've found peculiar bite marks on one of high ground they go!

SG: I encourage you to knit...perhaps Michael Bolton could teach you in his spare time?

Tits: Your name came up during girl chat! It was so cute when Kimberlina said, "Did you see that Britney Spears statue on Tits' blog?"

{STAR} said...

Yay Bunnicula! I love those books :)

Tits McGee said...

I heart you guys.

And that thing freaked me the hell out.