Wednesday, March 29, 2006

ZZZZzzzzzzz, I'm off.

Tonight's scary bedtime reading*: In Cold Blood by Truman Capote.


*Ever since I made a sidebar heading labeled "CURRENTLY READING", I am reminded that I am a no good updater. Damn! Must take lessons from the linking queen, Tits.


Tits McGee said...

Thanks for the shout out, Madge! (Though, truthfully, I was holding out for the title of size queen.)

My beat-up old paperback copy of In Cold Blood remains among my favorite reads ever. And yep, it's scary, alright.

kimberlina said...

hm, scary books, not my forte. i am weak in that way.

stop reading so much, you darn... librarian, you! you're making me look bad! :D actually, i had this huuuge book list on my hillsborough county library account and just realized they delete after 30 days. ARGH!

FRITZ said...

I've never read Truman Capote. I'm living in a box.

Tits: you freakin' crack my ass up.
More than it's already cracked.

Well, I'm glad I could provide that image.

madge said...

You can be the size queen if you want. I think I'd like to call you Queen Tits.

Kim...speaking of HCPLC, I'm receiving a rash of foreign language DVDs, mostly French, that are registered as my holds that I've NEVER put on hold! I think I'm getting someone else's things...

Fritz, the closest I've come to Capote prior to this is B @ T's - started but never finished, and a short story of his about Christmas (or Thanksgiving?). Like him. Actually, it's turning into love. I move real fast.