Saturday, March 18, 2006

We are not Canadians.

  • We (a man, a woman, a dog, a cat, corals, fish, and a chunky tortoise) are rocking out to the Allman Brothers & Miles Davis this morning/afternoon at the West Palm Beach house and drinking Cokes.
  • Sometimes, when I make a point of random (though controlled?) blog searching, I like to read book reviews. Not so much for the review itself, but I like to know how someone has intimately considered a book, through love, hate, or middle ground. Mostly, I want to know what they loved. And how they chose to describe it. For a while now, I have been reading This Boy's Life, by Tobias Wolff (the author was suggested originally thanks to Monkey, who is both famousand a voracious reader). I am near the end and I'm savoring it in slow bites; it is delicious. I will spare you from a review; I just want to make it known that I love this book. Love. Heart. You know, the colors red and pink.
  • I got my hair trimmed yesterday afternoon and then it was blown out. is the thing about my hair: I don't need blow outs. I walked out of the salon looking very blown away, but once I made it to my car I was feeling better. Hello secretly stashed brush and at-the-ready saliva.
  • I love crushed ice.
  • Steve will say, "Don't say that on your blog!" but, Mr. Humble submitted 3 photos to a student contest sponsored by his university's art gallery. He was told that he'd be lucky if 1 was chosen when he called last week to get the details for submitting. Today, we found out that all 3 were selected. Woo-hoo to Steve. We celebrated at a fave local restaurant (curiously one that Yanni likes, too): Rosalita's. Mmmm. Chips + salsa, chicken burros & fried ice cream.
  • I bought a box of Reese's Swoops last night as movie candy. Steve calls them cubicle food.
  • The movie was A History of Violence, with Viggo and William Hurt and Ed Harris. I didn't like it. I was disappointed. I was expecting something bigger (proof that I really am American: I wanted a darker history of violence, maybe something more complex).
  • I would love to post photos, but Blogger won't let me right now. Grrrr. I guess they will have to come later.


FRITZ said...

I loved this post, for some reason. Good Job, Mr. Humble! We will post as we desire. Shall make a note about the book. Yum.
Yanni is out of jail: coming to a restaurant near you!

May we join you in West Palm?

madge said...

It's true, we shall post as we desire. You may join us here! Beware of Yanni...he likes to sign pictures of himself and hang them up in restaurants he likes. Oh, and kick the shit out of live-in girlfriends. Yucky new-age singer. Yucky!

Tits McGee said...

Is it just me, or did I detect a hint of a smile in his mug shot? Creepy motherf@#$%*r.

madge said...

Hint of a smile totally detected. Creepy motherfucker, indeed.

Tits McGee said...

And here I was trying not to offend delicate sensibilities.


I feel better now.

madge said...

You really never can say it enough.

kimberlina said...

noted: madge always has at-the-ready saliva in case i need it.