Sunday, March 05, 2006

itsie-bitsie west palm beach & things

I have some photos to share. First, D. Sergei says "hi."
Exhibit A: Happy Trails: why the need?
Sofia Coppola marketed and packaged in a can:

Urban salt shaker:

The Happy Trails man:
Piece of graffiti quilt:

Piet Mondrian:
Heart of Glass:
Archaic tagging:
Safety Patrol:
Microbe newspaper stands:
Scene of the crime:
I put my keys somewhere...
I love yellow cars:
Name so-much-more-common than mine, it actually has its own parking place:


FRITZ said...

My favorite? The tractor. The happy trail guy (yeah: why WAS it necessary?), and: Michael has a BRIGHT YELLOW CAR!

What fun! Whee!

(Oh, hello Sergei!) He's so cute. And I bet a lot nicer than Delilah.

kimberlina said...

hurray for sergei! you have a lovely eye for images. my favorite ones are the piet mondrian and the blue-gainvillea. i love shadows and pattern. makes me happy.
also, i like microbe newspaper stands, but i think it's the combination of name and image that totally appeals to me.

you rock.

Tits McGee said...


a) Kimberlina's right. You rock.
b) D. Sergei is hella cute.
c) Mr. Happy Trails - WTF???
d) Microbe newspaper stands - bitchin'.

A query:

Does Sofia Coppola come with the matching straw?

madge said...

Fritz! I was trying to be way glam on that tractor. If you'll notice my Starbucks cappuccino, please? I did not know M. had a yellow car? Bright yellow! They are the best things to photograph...

Kimberlina: I'm not quite sure what microbe means (perhaps you can "show" me in a "story" - not unlike your jingle for vaginas) would require me to open up the American Heritage Dictionary, 4th ed. (my favorite) and dig around...which is exciting, actually. ERm, you rock!

Tits: both D. Sergei & I say "you rule." Also, Sofia does come w/matching straw - it's actually quite neato, because it has an you can make that darn thing as loooong or as short as you want...