Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Say, it's Tuesday.

You know you are pathetic when your wish list involves:

  • Cleaning the bathroom. Please Fairy Godmother! Give me a few spare moments to give my tub some elbow grease - I will do all the sweating.
  • 2 seconds to write a Post-it reminding myself to remember to watch the premiere of Sons & Daughters next...Tuesday? March 07?
  • Recycling bins! I just want them, okay?
  • Time to vacuum my nasty carpet.
  • Spray paint! I wish for pink spray paint.
  • And I wish for walls that weren't plaster; it's too hard to hammer any kind of nail into plaster walls without unintentionally chiseling Gorbechav's birthmark! I want cheap, 21st century dry wall, damnit! The stuff that gated communities are made of...
  • I want a robot that wants to be a librarian. I just want one, gol' dang...
  • I want an hour to read the magazines I haven't been reading.
  • I wish+wish: I was a gutsy broad.


Tits McGee said...

I, too, yearn for recycling bins.

And I want a robot that will clean the bathroom for me.

And I wish + wish that I had a less broad gut.

I don't think you're pathetic, Madge. I think you're super.

madge said...

You couldn't be any funnier, Tits. I love that you want a less broad gut.

Thanks; you are super too!

kimberlina said...

i want a sponsor for my life. you know, someone who will just give me money to live.

that'd be cool. almost as cool as you let loose with a can of pink spray paint. i have some blue & orange & red & yellow if you need. :)

Meghan said...

"gutsy broad"? i've heard of "busty" but never "gutsy"... i'm going to assume that this doesn't refer to one's abdominal region.

recycling bins are lovely. just remember to clean them every once in awhile.


duff said...

i caught up on my magazines last night.

whew- that's enough of an accomplishment for one weekend, don't you think?