Wednesday, March 01, 2006

In like a lab!

And out like a lion: never!

Yes: it is March 01.

Meet Cole (again). Cole, meet the bloggers.

"How do you do?"

"Very well, thank you. And you?"

"- - - - - - - - - -"

Enough said.

But wait! There's more dog stuff I want to share with you! This dog, Pecorino, is quite the model, too:


kimberlina said...

cole has got the absolutely cutest tongue ever!

FRITZ said...

That article was really fascinating, and I can see why that dude is a photographer. The compositions were better than paintings.

And my, that Cole is a charmer!

Meghan said...

puppeeeeeee.... oh man, i want a dog

sadly, all i have is Kyle. and the kid two floors down has a ferret.... but it's not the same.


madge said...

Kimberlina: that tongue loves the ladies...

Fritz: yes...I find the whole story too sweet; I love Pecorino!

Meghan: in times like these, Kyle will surely suffice...but ferrets?! No. They won't do.