Wednesday, February 08, 2006

omg. i have a blog!

When I told the electric co. guy over the phone that I was earning a graduate degree in library science a couple of years ago, he said to me, "Library science? Does that mean you'll be examining the bacteria you find off of books?"

This past week (weeks seem to go between Wednesdays for me) has been especially brutal in my illustrious career as a library scientist. We're talking a lot of broken beakers, negative chemical reactions, and sanity-eating bacteria. I've spent every free moment I've had working on a combination of killer assignments. One of them was 18 pages; the other was 8; the other was 4.

In case you're wondering: I do enjoy writing and studying and investigating and spending time in libraries, but this made me mean, nasty, bitchy, bratty, selfish and downright disgusting. I owe a couple of sorries to people: 1) my sister Emily who I snapped at on the tele.; 2) my BF, who I snapped at a lot --yikes. I also owe a big sorry to my kitchen sink, as she's been full of dirty dishes since last Wednesday.

Act II
Scene I
[Madge's Kitchen Sink]: fuck you, Madge!


In other news, I have been informed by my BF that I've been neglecting to comment on my comments. He's right; I'm guilty of that. I'll be back to regular commenting again, because I am overjoyed when y'all comment here -- and I wish I wasn't such a putz-ola about blogging these days.

I promised long ago that I would post my Miami pictures - here they are - complete with commentary and everything. Enjoy + I miss yous.

The BF and I go to Miami on a whim.
Miami, January, 2006.

Our private, chauffered car:

Our first stop:
MADGE 10:29.
Also, proof that Florida is flat:

We hopped off the Tri-Rail and waited for
our next ride:
Oops! Not this:

Our next private driver arrived promptly:

She picked us up in this:

And dropped us off in the middle of this:

And this:

We were right smack dab in the middle
of Dade Co.:

Near buildings that impressed us:

And nooks that drew us in:

And it was all fun and games when I tried
my hand at my micro-lens.
My boyfriend said these delicate grapes
looked like

We met exoctic animals in parking lots:

And when the sun rolled west, the lights came

And Miami turned on its reading lamps:

And then it got real sleepy:

And we headed back home on the Tri-Rail,
with Dots for a snack:

And inked ballpoint pen tattoos out of

And we also said good night to our cameras,
and my
boyfriend kissed his and said:
you are the only
inanimate object
of my


Tits McGee said...

Dots?! Aw, Madge, didja have to go and show me Dots?! I will now be up all night, mouth watering for those sweet, chewy treats. Mmm...dots.

madge said...

Aren't Dots pure gooey perfection? I don't know why this is - I was introduced to them later in life - and I have to say: they complete me.

The Q said...

You think your sink is mad? You should hear my whole house! All three bedrooms of it are coming at me from one side, and the living room and kitchen are coming at me from the other!

I loved your narration, it was like a story book.

kimberlina said...

madge! you're back! huzzah! i'm very excited to start my new library science career. i look forward to finding ways to stop the advance of sanity-eating bacteria. *laugh*

also, i love your photos! the yellow car and the green train and the dots and the iba photos esp.

madge said...

Corley: My apartment is very angry with me, too - but mostly the sink. I need to spend my weekend cleaning it, so that I can be a slob for the next five days. I disgust myself. Ugggggh.

I am back from my latest experiment; hopefully I'll work out better hypotheses in the future (what? I really don't know a thing about science). As we were saying at work today, liberry school ain't hard, it's just time-consuming.

You will make an awesome library scientist, by-the-by.