Thursday, February 09, 2006

Tag! 5 Things...

Five things
I was tagged by kimberlina.

Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. then add your blog to the bottom slot.

1) Marginal Utility
2) Just Thoughts
3) Adventures in Kicking People
4) gimchi
5) the duck motif!

Next, select five people to tag.

If you'd like - do this tag! It's instant postification.

What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was a junior in high school, so I was headed on a Close-Up trip to Washington D.C. for the second time; I had a crush on a drug dealer; I was obsessed with Must-See-TV!; I was babysitting every weekend; I had a horrible "student teacher" in my English class who, I think, became obsessed with me; I was reading James Baldwin's Go Tell It On The Mountain per the creepy English student teacher's advisory and loved it; I was an all-city honorable mention volleyball player and played club volleyball; I went through Confirmation; I had very sweet friends that I know very little about these days; when I was reading Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart at a late-night babysitting job, a creepy man (not the English student teacher) came to the window, banged on it to get my attention, showed me his penis with a flashlight and made me shake like a leaf; I tried Ethiopian food for the first time; I was on the news staff and hated by my "colleagues" because I wasn't very good at it; I was not driving; I rode the city bus to school except when my dad had the day off; I loved colored glass; I thought I would go to Georgetown for college; I was 16.

What were you doing 1 year ago?
One year ago I was one month into my current job; I was driving a silver, convertible PT Cruiser, as I'd just been in my first car accident and my car was being repaired; I was hosting a friend for the long President's Day weekend and we beachcombed.

Five snacks you enjoy:
1. warm chocolate chip cookies
2. Idaho Spuds®
3. chips + salsa
4. kalamata olives
5. crudités

Five songs you know all the words to:
1. Mostly
2. Everything
3. Madonna
4. Ever
5. Sang

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. buy some property(ies)
2. get a bachelor's degree in design
3. buy quality cooking + baking utensils
4. buy my dream car: a Volvo!
5. take a trip that would begin in London

Five bad habits:
1. not speaking up when I should...
2. I don't make my bed.
3. eating fast...
4. on-going phobia of the doctor/hospitals; I need to kick it already
5. Coke (a-cola)

Five things you enjoy doing:
1. daytripping with my main squeeze
2. buying magazines
3. photography
4. creating
5. planting big ones on my kitty cat

Five things you would never wear again:
1. short shorts
2. tapered jeans
3. the strapless, baby-blue bride's maid dress hanging in my closet
4. over-sized T-shirts
5. Keds

Five favorite toys:
1. Nikon FA
2. my digital Nikon
3. stamps
4. my laptop
5. my bike

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