Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Cats AND Poopies

My cat, D. Sergei, has kind of long hair. Tonight, he was pretty sure he had made some poopies in his litter box. Pretty sure.

...But his little poopies were kind of...booby trapped by his hair. So he did what any cat with dangling poopies would do: scrape his booty all around my apartment to get his poopies OFF of his backside.

The carpet in my apartment was like the underwear of a five-year-old boy: full-o-skidmarks.

It was a rough night for D. Sergei. I gave him a good soaking to get rid of the poopies and hopefully, he won't mimic the great hit and run - wait! I didn't hit anything!- any time soon.

It was too terribly unglamorous for the both of us.


Meghan said...

oh my.... that was the funniest thing i've heard/read/seen in a fair amount of time. i even called my roommate over to read it, and she laughed too.

thanks for making a couple of sleep-deprived chickies giggle like middle schoolers. cheers!


FRITZ said...

That happened to me once--in college, so, you know...

Actually, my friend had a cat just like that and she always convinced me to cut the poopies out. Blech!

Tits McGee said...

So. Awful.

My little furball does this every now and then, too. Luckily, we have hardwood floors - much easier to clean. The whole thing is horrifying and pathetic. Maybe I should give his ass a buzz cut.

kimberlina said...

poor d. sergei! those poopies probably scared him. "what the... aahhh! something's on my butt! something's on my butt!"

good luck cleaning your skidmarked carpet! :D

madge said...

Meghan: I am happy to induce the middle school giggles! And so is my cat.

Fritz: Hey! Welcome back! I never thought of cutting out the poopies...it may have been easier than giving him a soak...

Tits: Yes, when he started doing on my bathroom floor, I was like, score! But then he got very fast and started darting around to carpet territory...

Kimberlina: Yes, he was spooked for sure! I don't know what was worse...dangling poopies OR the tub...