Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Another Wednesday, done & gone.

The yummiest smell in the world is the smell of the summer camp I went to during my youth. Douglas firs, Sitka spruces!, moisture, mountains, campfire and dirt. For some reason, and I love when this happens, I am smelling that smell right now.

So I am in this class that involves working in groups. And this groupwork involves sharing comments about readings and then one group member writes a 2-5 page paper with all of our ideas on the literature we've just read and turns it in each week. Great. Fine. It gets us reading and discussing and all of that is very important. I had my turn a couple of weeks ago, and this week it was Winda's turn. Winda. Winda. Winda. Her name isn't really Winda. But it is now. Winda read all of my notes, and they were unorganized at best (but I was proud of them at least), and she copied them word for word in her turn of "writing" a fucking thing she called a paper - my notes equaled two healthy paragraphs out of, er, maybe 5 paragraphs or something? Wow! I was so mad - she even copied my strange punctuation marks that made only sense to my Madge self. I didn't know what to do, so I didn't do or say anything. I don't know how to approach her or my professor, but this really bothered me. Thoughts? Advice? Or am I making a big deal out of something that is no big deal whatsoever?

D. Sergei, ego spared, is doing fine; we've been having a supreme love fest ever since "the incident."

And will someone please tell me why it is so lovely outside, but the inside of my apartment feels like August? Heave, heave.


John said...

I was plagiarized in high-school. I was re-using a paper I wrote for the same book in another class. I printed it out in its original form and it was swiped from the lab printer. I modified mine and submitted it.

The day the papers were returned, "Ding-Phang" (name witheld) and I were called into the office. Not only had he plagiarized me, he didn't even CHANGE it. I was scared to tell the teacher the truth since I wasn't sure how she'd react to me using the same paper as I had in another class (turns out she was OK with it). I said nothing in front of the "jerk". Later, I confronted the tech. about it and told her the whole story. We both got our "C" grades and moved on.

The NEXT FUCKING DAY, I got an "F" on a paper because I forgot to site my sources. The reason for the F? "Plagiarizm is an automatic F in this school." Yeah, right, only if your a PUBLISHED writer, I guess.

Nah, I'm not bitter anymore.

kimberlina said...

whoa. um... hitman's stories kinda took the wind out of your sails there, madge. are you going to fucking take that? ;)

seriously though, i'd mention it to the prof at least. that you'd just like to clarify the procedures with the one group member paper.

hm. in writing that - yes, it is a big deal. that person got a grade largely based off of your work. right, so i'd mention it.

do you want me to kick winda's ass? say the word, madge. my services are yours.

Meghan said...

Winda.... nice name.

i remember back in 2nd grade. Selena and i were walking back to math when i realised that i hadn't finished my "Telling Time!" clocks, so she drew them in for me. Mr. Davis made a huge deal out of it by calling in my parents and flipping out(my parents agree that he was overreacting to this day)... but a lesson or two had been pounded into me.

i'm with kimberlina- talk to the prof. this Winda bitch needs to be slapped around a bit, it sounds like.


ps. i'm on meds... can you tell?

Spinning Girl said...

I would totally tell.

I'm a big tattler, even now.