Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I am always tired. Blech! I need to start making some lifestyle changes. I think I'll try to eat some Florida strawberries and we'll see what happens.

I guess I'm a little frustrated right now: I'm IN class - a lab room - and I'm taking a Basic Reference course with students who are just starting the degree program. This is fabulous and I am happy for them, but I'm a little tired and I don't want to know that I am in the same ranks as someone who has never before sent an e-mail attachment.

*Oh yawn!* I just did a big one - so big and fierce, in fact, that it just might be virtually contagious.


Calzone said...

looks like I picked a bad day to off myself

kimberlina said...

*YAWN* i'm hearing it. how do these people not know how to send attachments? how do they LIVE? i run across these people when training.
this is why i no longer want to be a trainer.
"ok, now, you want to click on 'file' - see, right up there in the upper left? ok, got it? no, no, not 'edit,' click on 'file.' ok, no, don't double-click. just click once... see how that drop down list comes up?"

Tits McGee said...

There are no strawberries at the Stop & Shop! I have been craving them for days and there are none! Send me some!!!

Spinning Girl said...

I yawn easily. Reading about yawning even makes me yawn. Maybe it is a clinical condition!

Calzone said...

Lets take a nap, I love to spoon

Meghan said...

woman! get back here! the blogging world isn't the same without you...
