Monday, January 02, 2006


1. Save every single receipt that passes into my hands.
2. Fix my bike.
3. Create a running regimen: 8k by March, Madge.
4. Actually watch TV.
5. Stamp or create something every Thursday night.
6. Have the courage to buy a new car (Matrix, Mini, or Element).
7. Graduate from graduate school.
8. Go to ?, North Carolina.
9. Call my sweet friend each week.
10. COOK!
11. Sorry - but - be on the computer less! I disgust myself!
12. Photograph.
13. Devise a way to pleasure read whilst school reading.
14. EXPLORE Tampa - even if that means doing so alone - because I do love living here, even though it is solo diva.
15. Get my booty to Eastern Canada with Emily - and yes, if you're reading this, I tend to keep my resolutions (especially these!).
16. And per Emily: visit the Seattle Public Library!
17. Continue to keep my blog.


Spinning Girl said...


Your list kicks my list's ass.

I just decided to eat less dairy.

Calzone said...

You disgust me too. You don't even know how much.

kimberlina said...

madgie! i can recommend some places in tampa if you'd like. or, alternately, should you have a place to recommend to me, please do so! for i, too, need to explore tampa more. :)