Monday, January 23, 2006

I'm a Beginner.

It is very uncool to be nervous about html, webpage design, and software programs that don't make a whole lot of sense to me. But that'd be me right about now - nervous, scared, and hyperventilating: uncool.

I've never before had my own pet. Lie! I won a party favor goldfish in the sixth grade. We (my family) were so surprised when he made it nearly two years; the word on the street was he eventually stroked out - and it was the end of an era (RIP Cornelius dahling). But now I have my very own cat. He was raised entirely by my boyfriend but when we decided I needed some company, D. Sergei came to live with me a few weeks ago (I've decided he's a little bit French and a little bit Russian - in addition to being uncool, I'm also weird). I am fascinated by him, mostly because I pay him a lot of attention and I think it's neato when he lies on his back and rolls over again and again and again. I pick him up and give him kisses right on the nose - is this gross? Is this unhealthy? He always dips his head right in my general direction when I make the kissy sound. Like he's kissing back! I pick him up a lot and pat his bum like a baby. What the hell - am I playing dolls or something?

I made lemon bars tonight. Mmmm. Confectioner's sugar is next to godliness.

Over the weekend, I developed a roll of film at a "real" local photo developing place in Palm Beach Co. The film was Walgreen's brand 800 speed (it's actually good stuff because it is made by a German company - Agfa), the camera I used was the Nikon FA, and the photos looked pretty darn rad. At least a few of them. I will try to scan them in, but am afraid they might lose their radness because the matte finish is sexy and only more sexy when these pictures are actually in my hands.

I've also started running - last week I began my Runner's World plan + schedule. So far, so good. I have that achy leg feeling that sucks when I'm out running, but almost feels like heaven when I'm done. Exhaustion = accomplishment. No, I guess I'm not that extreme. And I never, ever ran with music before last week. Ever! iPods are great! I came from the running school of thought that running with music was bad + unsafe + unpure. But not anymore. Now I want to be unsafe and I could care less about being a pure runner. Blech. I'm not a running snob. Besides, I started going cah-ray-zay fartlek when I heard "Don't stand! Don't stand! Don't stand so close to me!" What a great running song!

Okay - the perils of my web design have been somewhat calmed by this post.

My cat, D. Sergei bids you a good night.


Tits McGee said...

Mmm...lemon bars.

Mim said...

hi, found you from the link on tits' blog. just want to compliment you on the color of this blog. it's really beautiful. not a deep comment, but gorgeous color is right up there for me with beautiful sentiment.

kimberlina said...

if you want help w/ html, i can help very little. ;) i've browsed some books, made my own site, but it's fairly basic. also, i'm *very* bad at planning. i start a site, then redesign, then start, and redesign again. this process occurs several times until i simply give up and burn myself out.

it's definitely not gross that you kiss your kitten on the nose. i bite my cat's ears. with my lips, of course. they seem to like it.

i wish i had the stamina to run... i have a stationary bike that i "ride." about 15 minutes at a time.

i love your stream of consciousness writing!