Wednesday, December 07, 2005

RIP Genevieve

My adopted penguin pet, Genevieve, is a goner.

She loved when people moused her right off the iceberg.

Yeah, she really liked that.


kimberlina said...

::sobsob:: she was such a sweetheart...

madge said...

Yes, yes. Maybe she'll come back, but she wasn't loading as fast as I wanted her to load.

kimberlina said...

load, cole train! load as fast as your furry butt can load!

madge said...

Cole dog! Don't worry. I could never get rid of you. :)

Meghan said...

god rest her icy little soul. she was a fighter, she was. always got back up on the little berg, no matter how many times she was knocked off. a real inspiration to us all. in her honour, i shall wear an article of black clothing tomorrow. probably socks, because all i have in terms of socks are black ones... but the thought is there!


nkqhgbs- "no 'quick hug' bullshit." i think. bumpersticker material right there.