Wednesday, December 07, 2005


When my younger sis was about, eh, five or six, she wrote a song. Well, she never exactly wrote the notes out right and/or busted out the Casio, but she did put her lyrics to a snazzy little hum-along jingle (kind of like Uncle Jesse and Uncle Joey were always doing, when they weren't watching Deej and Steph and Michelle -

The song went like this:

If ya wanna wanna do it
Then ya gotta gotta prove it.
(Repeat as many times as you'd like).

I posted the recipe for these praline bars earlier this evening, which I ended up making tonight; I'm proving (with my nifty-digity Nikon) that I wanted to make them in the first place. Do it, prove it, you know. As for the pecking hen: you might think I'm on drugs, but I'm not (I might be on wine, but that's a different story).


carolina anne said...

So... humiliated. I thought that had been forgotten... Hahaha, good times though. I remember singing that on the basement steps as you were sewing on Mom's old Singer.

Cheryl said...


madge said...

Woohoo! The plate of pralines was finished at work in no time at all. Yum yum!

John said...


I'm recomending Jax put that recipe on her eating blog.

Calzone said...

you are so on drugs.

Spinning Girl said...

ooh, nummy nummies.

Meghan said...

hahaha, my sister used to make up random songs like that, too! i don't remember any of them... but that's funny, i haven't thought about that in a long time.

as for praline bars... i don't think i've ever had a praline. it's a nut, right? my food world is a strange one, as you've probably guessed by now. i've only recently had cucumbers for the first time, but have been eating tofu paté forever. yay for Eugene!


disezlmx- "disease 2 le max". fits the season, i suppose.