Monday, October 10, 2005

What's a land line?

My new Cingular cell phone is in the mail. It will arrive at or around 7 p.m., Wednesday. For the mean time, I am without a cell - and this is okay. I was one of those people that said, "Damn, I am never going to get a cell phone."

But I caved back in August of 2002 (kind of late in the cell phone game, thank you very much) and now there is no turning back. Except when you have to wait three or so days to get a phone in the mail, and you have to turn back to the days of busy signals, no caller ID, and phones that don't stretch beyond their cords.


I have been surviving with an $8.00 non-cordless Conair phone these past few days, and besides, it's red. You can't beat that. I started wondering if I could survive without a cell phone, and just use this piece of crap in its place. Then I realized I'm full of fears I never knew were right at the surface.

  • But, but, what if I'm driving and I get a flat? What would I have done in say, March 2002? It's hard to say: I wasn't living in Florida. Hello Aileen Wuornosville.
  • Do I really want to go back to my college dormified days of shuffling 17 different calling cards with x-minutes remaining? Fear of math, people.
  • What if I'm walking to my car after class one night and...
  • What if I am running late and I need to make a call?
What the hell is this?! Is this a result of having a cell phone, and then not having one, or is this the result of excellent media?! Though my fear of math is legit, everything else is not. Especially because, in all 2 or so of my real-life panic situations, I couldn't use a telephone, much less speak.


This post wasn't going anywhere anyway. Please excuse me. I have some cupboards to go through.


carolina anne said...

ahem. i didn't get a cell until august 2004. sad times, though. miss talking to you on the way to work.

FRITZ said...

The Cell Phone Phenonmenon...

Amazing, isn't it? You wonder at people who seem attached to them, and then you get one, and the moment you are without one, you're stumped on how to drive, how to behave, (what if someone tries to call?)...etc, etc...

Strange stuff.

John said...

My family has had a cell phone LONG before the flip phone. I beleive we got our first "bag phone" in 1992? It had a battery the size of a bible and the phone looked just like what you would call a "land line" now. The reason? Daddy had a 16 year old daughter who was driving now.

Cell phones ARE great! The reasons you listed are legit. Sure we could deal with those types of situations before, but now, we're better prepared and there's less likey going to be someone dying on the side of the road of a heart attack because no one knew to roll the ambulance...etc.

The OBSESSION part of the cell phone is the problem. The people talking on their bluetooth headsets while ordering their dinner at Jim Wang's or wherever. The people competing for "World's Loudest/Most Obnoxious Ringtone." The people giving them to their 7 year old so they can call them every five minutes after school (teach your kids self-sufficience, people). Oh yeah, and the ones who think it is ok to cut you off in traffic because they didn't see you because they were on the phone.


shyloh's poetry said...

ha. I was one that also said I would never ever have a cell phone. Well I do now haha. Good post. How did I ever live without one???

Pirate said...

I like your rambling as it might be called. You have a good sense of humor and make me laugh.

as for the upstairs whore attack her with a picture phone.

madge said...

AW: You're right. That was late in the game.

Fritz: It is strange stuff. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

Hitman: You're right about the obsession factor.

Shyloh: Thanks for visiting my blog! I will give yours a visit...

Pirate: Thanks much. Yes, I know, you would have loved to see the pictures of the whore neighbor. The problem is, I don't know which direction the stomping is coming from. I could make a lot of nice whores really mad.