Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Not much going on. So here.

I received mail today that was addressed to the Parents of Madge.
Inside, there was a fake check for $30,000* to the college of my choice.
My parents' fake mail rules!
(*This is not a valid check. Gee. You think?)

My boyfriend is cranky because he lives in Wilma-ravaged West Palm Beach.
I'm not very understanding because right now, I have a candle burning.
Just for the fun of it.

And, yesterday afternoon, when I had my windows open, a piece of tree blew in
my nook
from a Wilma-induced breeze.
A very small piece.
I think this is a funny hurricane damage picture:
(even though that's an
insensitive thing to say, I realize)


Meghan said...

i hope you have homeowners' insurance. my most sincere apologies for your loss.

if i see anything about hearts, rainbows, unicorns, bunnyrabbits, or whatever else your "love post" is going to include... by god i will hijack a plane to wherever you are, walk right up to you, and give you the sternest of reprimands: "NO."

but in the meantime... cheers!


esyzgm- hahahaha.... oh wow, i don't think i can type that definition on the web. and that's saying something.

madge said...

No! I mean, thank you in advance.

In general, I'm a sucker for a sweet unicorn...but don't worry, I'll just enjoy the posters I have hanging up in my room, instead.

I'm kidding there.

Meghan said...

sweet sugarsnaps, don't scare me like that... my poor heart, it can't take scares like that.

on the bright side, i think i may just sleep tonight... in fact, i'm going to finish my homework, then do just that: sleep. cheers!


ruuen- a dilapidated place of residence. at least, according to Inspector Cluseau

kimberlina said...

no, no, madge, it's ok. we won't think less of you if you have a unicorn poster in your room. really. ;)

also, you should get rid of that tree bit pronto! it could start to mold, causing you to have allergies and then possibly asthma. it's good to clean up hurrican debris and flood damage asap!

Pirate said...

You are one of the funniest and insightful bloggers I know. Hurricane damage comes in all forms and degrees, doesn't it?

John said...

Madge, you're so intelligently designed that you can survive a Category 5 hurricane via a process known as running away.

I'm sending FEMA to your house to assess the damage. Please steer clear and allow them to do their job. They will inform you when it is safe to return.


Calzone said...

Is your hair all tousled?

madge said...

Kimberlina: But I don't have a unicorn poster...I swear!!! The tree bit is gone...back out the window.

Pirate: Gee, thanks. :)

HitmanJ: Thankfully, I've never had to deal with FEMA. I couldn't imagine!

Calzone: My coif is usually tousled, even when there's no wind...

FRITZ said...

Laughing at you. Laughing at your Wilma-fest.
Why doesn't your boyfriend just MOVE to your town?
That way, he won't have to worry about these things.
For awhile.