Wednesday, October 26, 2005

the world series.

Paper writing.
Critical thinking.
Cranky Madge.
Is in the house.
So...I give you a series of photographs.
Taken this summer.
At a special location.
On the Oregon Coast.

All Sides of a Sunset.


carolina anne said...

Argh! School work is the WORST! Call me on Friday after 2:20pm (your time) and I am going to be HAPPY again. Two super huge art projects. Three exams. THREE days. I KNOW, right?! I'm here for bitch sessions if you need a break from your studies.

John said...

I, too have pictures of a sunset, but I'll have to wait to post them.

Very nice.

Word Verifier: The Gathering is going on now!


Cheryl said...

Beautiful sunset. I'm Oregon sick again--thanks for that. I'm supposed to be writing papers, too. But look where I am instead? Ha!

madge said...

Annie babes, I know. I'm frustrated myself, but...I'm not giving my birthday to USF. Must. Finish. Crap. Assignments. Now!!!

Hitmanj: Ok, I'm heading over there...

Cheryl: I'm Oregon-sick, too. Florida cooled significantly after Wilma passed through, so I've been wearing fleece slippers around my apartment. Fleece. Oregon. You can't have one without the other!

FRITZ said...

The drain of the paper that just wouldn't come.

Hate that crap. Put it off for ten more minutes.

Then, another ten.

YOu'll write a great 2am.

madge said...

Aha! Paper's done.
Crappy, but done.

Thanks for the comment, marriedman. Coincidently, my older sister dated someone named marriedman. Oops!

kimberlina said...

i love that middle picture, madge. i can't take my eyes off of it - it looks like it's shimmering.

... maybe that's the caffiene.

my best of luck to you w/ schoolwork! you needs definitely relax for birthdays. no stress on schoolwork, for sure.