Thursday, October 06, 2005

Look out, Donnie Darko.


kimberlina said...

nice photo! and truly, a great movie. did you ever get to see the director's cut? quite fabu.

(is that right? fabu? i'm trying to get into pop culture. we should have a convo about it.)

Monkey said...

Fabu! It's in.

I love this photo also. Poor Donnie Darko. I have the director's cut also. Excellent.

madge said...

I have not seen the director's cut yet; that was released in theaters nearly a year ago?

Pop culture is funky. I'm into it; I'm not into it. For some reason, I care that Katie Holmes is pregnant. But I care for very nasty reasons. So then, I don't know. But I will tell you this: fabu is fabu. Especially when people use it all French like: tres fabu.

Meghan said...

Katie Holms is pregnant?! scandalous.

my dad says fabu, but i think he's joking. somehow, i doubt that a 50-something white dude is going to know anything about pop culture. although i could be wrong.

Donnie Darko rocked my socks, I remember after the first time I watched it, I just sat there for a good 10 minutes thinking.
