Thursday, October 06, 2005

Imaginary friend, caught on tape.

Last weekend, I flew off to the West. I boarded my connecting flight in Denver and when I got to my respective row, I was suprised beyond belief to see a fawn in the middle seat.

"Where are you headed?" I asked her.
"I have a particularly bad case of the amoebas from drinking water in the stream. I'm eventually headed to a water detox clinic in Texas that will clear me right up."
"Well, yes. I'd like to point out that the man in front of you smells like he hasn't showered in weeks."
I sniffed what would be the first of many unpleasant sniffs. "You're right," I said.
"It was nice talking with you," she said and began unbuckling her seatbelt. "But I like my air a bit fresher. I think I'm going to spend this flight on the wing."
And so she did.


Monkey said...

You obviously take the same drugs before flying that I do.

madge said...

Oh Monkey, I can't tell you how your comment made me laugh. I want to say something like ROFL, even though I hate saying those things. Saying?! Typing them, whatever. You get the point. It was a priceless comment.

I do take drugs to fly and that is probably why I met a fawn last week. Everything I wrote is completely true.