Friday, October 14, 2005

Just hurry up and cool down already...


kimberlina said...

that last morning was amazing. walking to my car, i actually felt a tinge of CHILL in the air! i was ecstatic.

Meghan said...

jayzus, that's a hell of a lot hotter than it is here.

I think it was the dye fumes that got to me. Goodness knows I was around them for long enough. But I feel better today, so no worries. And the clothes... tres magnifique!

And yes, I have seen "In America." I loved that movie so much... it was incredible.



rippotc- an ancient Mayan place of worship

madge said...

Kim-Ber-Lina: Phew, the humidity is coming down. Can't wait! Can't wait! for cooler weather.

Now please, let's hope that Tropical Depression #24 stays out of our way and maybe we'll enjoy a peaceful early fall.

Meghan - My mom in Portland said the nights are in the low 50's...I am so freaking jealous.