Saturday, October 15, 2005

Drink Drink Revolution: some white boys weren't made to dance.

Last night, I saw an old friend. She was in town visiting her little college-sophomore sister. I hadn't seen her in absolutely ages, more than a year, I think. We had so much fun! We caught up over wine and yummy handmade pasta. Mmmm. Mmmm. After we finished our meal, we met her little sister + little sister's boyfriend for 18 outstanding holes of miniature golf. Mini-golf is the kind of thing you do when 1) you're young and you're on vacation or 2) you're under 21, in the beginning of a new relationship, and planning "fun" dates. That said, it was great to get back in the game. Har, har, har.

Before we headed out to the course, we had to walk through an arcade. Arcade, schmarcade. What I want to know is, what the hell is up with the guys who'd rather sweat it out on Dance! Dance! Revolution! than play Mortal Kombat?? Have you ever noticed the guys who rock out to Dance Dance Revolution? There is something about them, I just don't know what it is or how to describe it. It would be mean of me to say that I'm embarrassed for them, right?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to have a one-on-one with Monkey.


kimberlina said...

hahahahahaha! madge, that is so awesome. i'm so glad you got to see them in action - i never see people playing those games in the states.

when i was in china & hong kong, they were ALL the rage. and so many kinds! not just dance!dance!revolution, but all kinda of rave games involving feet and hands. in.sane.

hope you don't think less of me when i admit that i own the game and the pad. *laugh* but i also have mortal kombat.

kimberlina said...

is that the citrus park mall?

madge said...

This very well could be the Citrus Park mall, but I don't know if it is or not: I found the picture on Google.

We played mini-golf somewhere way out by USF (Nebraska-ish), but the fellas playing were similar to these guys. But older. And way into it.

You own DDR!!!? That is too funny. It sure looks like a workout; especially when you put your hands behind your back, hold onto the bar, and let your feet take over the world. Haha!

Monkey said...

I'm such a good dancer!

Calzone and I love to go the arcades and watch people on dance revolution because they look completely hypnotized.