Sunday, October 16, 2005

It's silly. It's stupid. It's Sunday. It's silly-stupid Sunday.

Super rad outfit, Margaret Bourke-White.

I want your freaking shoes!


Meghan said...

that's an awesome photo. and if you get the shoes, then i definitely get the trousers. they look comfortable.

she sounds like she was a pretty nifty lady.



iwdpnkvp- one of those IM acronyms, meaning: "I Will Do Possibly Nothing Killing Vicious Pacemakers." I use it constantly.

Pirate said...

Why not the turtle neck as well? Hides the marks.

madge said...

Oh, Pirate...

I actually just purchased a turtle neck. But I forbid my boyfriend from giving me marks. Ewww! It's the prissy-Madge in me.