Saturday, October 15, 2005

Old News Alert...

But whatever.

This still made me laugh really hard tonight:


Meghan said...

it's so mean, and yet I laugh...

no, there're no co-ops that I live in. Everybody's got their own house. I just have free access to 3 fridges! mwahaha...



ljggl- the name of Jennifer Lopez's first child.

madge said...

Yak: Yes, whatever happened to Jesse Ventura? Did he...accomplish a lot?

Meghan: L. Jiggles.

I love a good mwahahaha.

duff said...

i liked jesse ventura- every now and then, someone needs to come along and turn politics on its ear.

this made me giggle though.

Spinning Girl said...

Ha ha!

carolina anne said...

I surfed your blog at work and when I scrolled down to this one I heard a histerical laugh come from Pauline (History department secretary) who was screwing around on her computer adjacent to mine. When I looked over at her she was staring at my screen with her hand over her mouth holding in her laughter... I told her it was okay:-)