Sunday, October 23, 2005

In all seriousness, of course: WOOOT!

Hillsborough County Schools Closed
10/23/05 12:44:10 PM
The School District of Hillsborough County has canceled classes for Monday, October 24, due to the likelihood of strong winds and rains related to Hurricane Wilma.

Students and District employees should plan on returning to school or work on Tuesday unless notified otherwise.

At this time, Hurricane Wilma is expected to make landfall in southwest Florida, but the Emergency Operations Center says we can expect tropical storm strength winds and heavy rains in the Tampa Bay area on Sunday evening and Monday.

Parents and students are urged to stay tuned to television, radio and newspapers, and check the School District website ( to monitor the progress of the storm.


FICS23 said...

I hate putting up shutters. I think those curtain shutters would be a really good investment. Good luck Madge. I think well be fine down here. You abandoned us!!

Meghan said...

please live!!! my unborn children are going to need a librarian!

btw- my roomie didn't show up until this afternoon. i'm not sure what's shakin with that one.

oooh, this word verification looks promising... cheers!


efukm- the act of snubbing a group of people online. or an e-orgy.

Calzone said...

Theres something really smokin hot about soon to be librarian shut in by the storm. Can you have your hair up in a bun then when the storm hits it gets all wild and tangled??

(sorry dude..I was making up for my last post)

madge said...

Yes...Fics...there is something to be said for abandoning Palm Beach County.

Meghan: Yes, I'm in full survival mode. I have lots and lots of batteries. Teehee!

Calzone: Heeeee's baaaaaack. Ahh, you know what they say: librarians have tighter buns.

Spinning Girl said...


don't forget to batten down the hatches, tho'

kimberlina said...

i am jealous. my job has me a-workin.' *sigh*

Pirate said...

Be safe

madge said...

Hatches were batten. Safety was a priority.

I pretty much slept through everything.

And now, it's semi-sunny, way cool, and perfect weather for hot cocoa and good music and rubberstamping Halloween cards. Ahhh. Thank you, Wilma.

kimberlina said...

waaaahhh!! now i am super jealous!!!

Meghan said...

glad you survived.

yay for sleeping! that's what i just did... right through my first class. cheers!


mmeroez- the act of learning song lyrics while being drunk off one's ass.

Meghan said...

yeah, didjeridoos are entertaining... in small quantities.

my roomie is... 18? 19? 12? my guess is 18. if she makes it to 19, i'll throw her a party.

cheers for presents from home!


luyvxx- my personal favourite online pornstar's name. or a very serious inflammation of that little wobbly thingy in the back of the throat. i can't decide.

madge said...

warning: meghan's comment about her roommate's age was too funny.

FRITZ said...

Man, I wish I had an excuse to sit around all day and bear out weather.
Oh, wait.
I do.
I'm unemployed.

Monkey said...

That's like a Snow Day for Floridians!

Did you make some Rainmen? Er... palm frond men? Oh hell... snow days in Florida are no fun. Glad you got some sleep though.