Saturday, October 29, 2005

i say it's my birthday

I could do this image searching all day. But, I'm going to get off the computer and enjoy the beautiful birthday weather. About today:

  • My boyfriend and I have the exact same birthday (Happy Birthday, you). He was going to Montana this weekend with his dad, but because of Hurricane Wilma + its destruction, he's still sitting in the dark, carefully watching over his corals. Because he was supposed to be in Montana, I called my older sister and invited her down to Florida. Actually, I begged. Please help me celebrate my birthday! She complied within moments of my initial beg. She is flying from Portland, OR, arriving tonight, and will be in Florida with me until Tuesday. My boyfriend and I will celebrate (if he has power) next weekend, and the weekend after. I do believe camping season has officially kicked off. And we are campers to the core. So anyway, I'm 26 right now. I love it. I will party tonight. Sangria will be involved. And! I am just freaking happy. I love my birthday!
About the birthday photo collage: I image searched the NYPL's digital gallery. I combined these terms: October 29, 29, Madge. This is what I got (okay, so there's one wildcard):


Calzone said...

Happy Birthday sugar.

kimberlina said...

happy birthday madgie!!

carolina anne said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU! No worries though, I will celebrate your birthday in the islands! Happy 26!!!

Anonymous said...


FRITZ said...

Happy happy happy Birthday! Oh, Happy happy happy Birthday! You are a Halloween baby! And I think this is great!
You're my favorite Floridian! Along with Kimberlina!

And I hope you and your boyfriend have a happy, happy happy birthday!

Spinning Girl said...

Oooh, I love the images.

Meghan said...

happy birthday! sorry i missed the actual day, but i hope it was a good one. cheers!


piqnf- a meal eaten on a lawn, according to a person who has recently had Novacaine injected into their gums.

kimberlina said...

OOooo, i'm a favorite floridian! very exciting. :)