Thursday, October 06, 2005

Homeward bound. I wish I was...

Well, this was the view from my front porch one night in Portland.


Monkey said...

Portland OR? The bungalows look like the west Portland.

Calzone said...

thats a view from MY porch you freak...stop following me.

kimberlina said...

home can be so comforting. what a beautiful sunset.

shjnwpwh (holy crap! that's a long one)

madge said...

Yes, Monkey, Portland, OR.

Calzone, what can I say? Everywhere I am, there you are.

Yes, Kimberlina, what's with these insanely long word verifications? They went from cutesy-fun to a total pain in the ass. I feel like I'm being tested in 7th grade keyboarding class.

John said...


Nice site! I saw you in a comment on Spinning Girl's site and decided to swing by.

If you like your word verifier, you should stop by my Hideout. We play "Word Verifier: The Gathering." Yesterday was level 2. You can still post a comment.

I'm gonna throw a link to you if you don't mind.


Meghan said...

ack! how'd the spammers beat the word verifier? noooo.... btw- nifty photo you've got there -insert name here- i've got a hot link for you to check out hahaha.... sorry. anyways, it really is a nifty photo, and here's to more blogging! -clinky-


Pirate said...

Portland is a very beautiful city. I just got back from Tacoma Washington and found it nice as well.

madge said...

Meghan, the "spammer" is legit! You should check out his blog - it's a good time.

Yo-ho, yo-ho...a pirate's life for me (gee, ever heard that before?). Nice hat. You are sporting the logo of my alma mater! Go ducks! I haven't been to Tacoma in ages, but I sure remember heading that general direction on Amtrak. Ahhhh....

John said...

Sorry to appear as a spammer. Thanks for the recco, Madge!


M. C. Pearson said...

Hi! I jumped over from Pirate's blog. I'm also originally from the Bay area: San Jose...but now live in North Carolina where they cannot say ice without cussing. Your photo got me all teary eyed for the West Coast just like Pirate. Great sunset *big sigh*

Meghan said...

My apologies, J. Foot firmly in mouth.

I'll go check out your blog now... I feel pretty stupid. wow. Cheers!


klthzkhe- a Polish salad dressing?

Cheryl said...

Hey! I found you through Pirate. I'm an OR transplant to L.A. myself. And I was a Duck, too. So I had to come by and say hello.

duff said...

that's a gorgeous picture, madge.

madge said...

M.C. - It's quite something to go from one coast to another. They call you a Northener, I'm sure, but you don't feel like a Northener, do you? More like a West Coaster. We're just different like that.

Harry - I don't think I could pee on Calzone. Mostly because I'm afraid of what he'd do.

Cheryl - Thank you for stopping by. We Oregon transplants must stick together...though that could be hard if you're in L.A.

madge said...

And thank you, Ms. Duff.