Monday, October 10, 2005

Today I switched to Cingular. Now my cell phone provider sounds like asthma medication. It's all good.

There are two right answers to this question:

What's better? Red Vines or Twizzlers?

There is one right answer to this question:

Do I want to go to work tomorrow?

There is only one thing left to say:

I hope y'all had great weekends.


John said...

WRONG! Twizzlers is the ONLY brand worth my money!

If you want some HTML tricks, you should check out my archives. I have three posts dedicated to HTML. I could be nice and link them up here. Instead, you'll have to read my archives...:)


kimberlina said...

red vines?! is this some generic brand o' twizzlers? or did you mean red wine? because i'm all about the chianti.

do you want to go to work tomorrow? answer: no. i'm quite sure it corresponds to my answer... *sigh*

and yes, quite a good weekend. :) lots of good food and relaxation and never long enough.

madge said...

Okay, there are apparently more than two right answers. I love red vines. I feel cheated whenever I eat Twizzlers. But I love black licorice more than red, so that was the other right answer I was looking for. As for pumpkin pie flavor...well...perhaps that's something the Amish do.

Kimberlina: I do love me some chianti, too. It's just the right wine, and often times its packaged in its own kind of hula skirt.

You're right, I didn't want to go to work today. Alas, I had to go.

madge said...

I'd have to agree, Harry Yak.

Pirate said...

I had a great weekend plus the Ducks won. What kind of free lessons HitmanJ giving you?

kimberlina said...

yay for hula skirts!

chobngyx: chocolate gynecologist?

madge said...

Yes. Chocogynos. They rule.

madge said...

Pirate - these free lessons involve super rad HTML tricks. Helpful for a self-taught blogger nerd.