Friday, October 14, 2005

the Apartment life (in double-spaced sentences)

Or, maybe it's the life without a washer and dryer on the premises.

Either way, it sucks. I spent $25 at the laundry mat today.

Isn't that just...wrong? How is that possible??

Granted, I did use the washers capable of holding three loads. But still.

What's up with robbing the poor??!

Oh, that's right. This is America!!

In other news. I took my Toyota Coro-ro to the dealership for a special-order part to be replaced. I made the appointment two weeks ago. After they had my car for four hours this morning, THEN they called me to tell me that no one ever ordered the part.

Lucky for them, I'm nice. But still.

My car has to go back next week, when I won't have a day off to get this stuff done.

What's up with Viktor at Toyota?! Couldn't he have, ahem, looked into this matter before this morning?

Tonight, I command myself to party.


Meghan said...

I command you to party as well. $25 on the laundromat makes it necessary.

And yes, I really am really Irish. Cheers!


vururca- something you really don't want the OB/GYN to say you have.

Cheryl said...

LOL at the last line. (Double-spaced, of course)

madge said...

$25 later...I think my clothes should iron themselves, no?