Saturday, September 10, 2005

A Schedule for Sunday. I wish.

Once again, it is time to showcase another vintage nursery rhyme illustration. If I could have any name other than my own, I would want Bo-Peep. Do you think I would be taken seriously?

Remember the 'Bo Knows' ad campaign for Nike?

I spent this lovely Saturday doing research, reading, and homework. Tomorrow I will wake up early to enjoy my Sunday morning (coffee, donuts, and the Sunday paper are in full order), and then I will head off to the library and search endlessly for books and journal articles about Max Weber, author of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (which is more or less a "debate with the ghost of Karl Marx"). I cannot wait! Especially since I intend to do all of the above with a Starbucks cappuccino in one of my hands (I just typed "in one of my heads." I'm scared, folks). Oh, for the love of political sociology. For the love! It has made me fully aware that I'm a walking contradiction. But I like to think I'm a good contradiction.

Have any of you bloggers read S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders? I'm embarrassed to say that I never had any exposure to it until this year. Until recently this year. I haven't read it yet, but decided to do some author research before I started. Hello! That S.E. was only 18 when it was published (and I assumed S.E. was a dude, stupid me)! I read an essay she wrote about her career as an author - she wrote it when she was 29 - and gave some perspective on who she was while she wrote The Outsiders. Fas-ci-nating, folks, fas-ci-nating. I'm in love with her now. All I have to do is start reading.

Rose Update: The roses do smell, folks, they do. And they're opening up just lovely.


FICS23 said...

Hey Bo Peep lol
Nice blog. Don't worry about your contradictions in Pol Soci... It just means you are smart not to take sides of an argument without extensive analisys. Thanks for the compliment on the pic, nice to hear my audience :) Actually, nice to know i have an audience!. Nice roses and good luck with Weber tomorrow.

Bobby said...

My school teacher aunt got me to read the Outsiders when Iwas young, (I read a lot and a little above my age) and I read it once a year at least for years afterwards.

They are releasing the DVD of the movie, with extended scenes directly from the book.

But I also for years thought S.E. was a guy.

Is SE's essay online or in a book?

duff said...

bo knows football.
bo knows baseball.
bo knows soccer.
bo knows tennis.
bo knows how to cook a mean steak.

does anyone know whatever happened to bo jackson? he just sort of fell off the face of the earth, didn't he?

madge said...

Fics23 - thanks for the good luck -my research went begins the writing (grrrrr).

Bobby - the essay that I read was in a book - will get that information to you as soon as I go to work tomorrow.

Duff - He went back to school (Auburn) and graduated in December 1995 with a bachelor of science degree in family and child development. ESPN reports, "He opened a motorcycle shop outside Chicago and went into partnership with Charles Barkley on an Alabama restaurant. He serves as president of the Sports Medicine Council, a non-profit, youth outreach organization of HealthSouth Corporation."

Bo now owns and runs a company called N'Genuity in Chicago that does food processing and distribution.

(Copy & Pasted from

madge said...

I guess Bo knows food processing & distribution.

duff said...

oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Monkey said...

The Outsiders?

I read this about 20 times as a preteen. It was an obsession of mine.

I love the research you are doing! I want to know more. It is a little addiction of mine. History and how it permeates our lives today. Oh yes indeed. I hang here waiting for your next installment. And coffee is the nectar of the Gods. Can you tell that I had too much this morning? yes, I did!

kimberlina said...


"Bo knows food processing & distribution."

dude, that totally cracks me up.

madge said...

Duff: the mighty have fallen. Off their horses, apparently. Curiously enough, I recently read that, while still maintaining his Alabama restaurant(?), Charles Barkley has a carwashing business in New Jersey...

Kimberlina: :)

Monkey: Like I said, I cannot wait to dive into the Outsiders...I have this bizarro obsession with American socioeconomic classes. Of all the things I could fancy, right? During my undergrad, I was convinced that I was a communist. But then I also had this thing for Vogue, as mentioned earlier. I never quite fit! I think this is why I got so excited to spend my Sunday in the smelliest university library ever known to woman...

@ndre@: Phew! I got your name right on the first try...I don't know where I was when everybody around me must have been reading/watching the Outsiders...I think the DVD was released on 09/07? Will see if my library has the meantime, thank you so much for commenting here! I look forward to checking out your blog...