Friday, September 09, 2005

All of these things do not belong here.

Well guess what?

I met a self-proclaimed "history buff" tonight while I was considering the Subway Sandwich menu. He told me that, in my Floridian city, streets run north and south and avenues run east to west.

Well, that's great. But what's that got to do with history?

And another thing that has nothing to do with history buffs: one of my professors wrote, in her "strict" syllabus, to make sure we properly use "the" (among other things) when we're writing papers for submission. Hmmm. Is the it the insanely the hard to the fuck that the one up the? Or have I been misusing it my entire life?

For one thing that's quite another...some gnarly ants found my roses. And started living in the petals.


Spinning Girl said...

What THE f?

on another note-
I THE linked THE you!

Monkey said...

I the linked the you the too the too. Better the ants the than the earwigs. Earwigs the are the scary the ass the little the beasties.

Florida city hmm? My human says she is originally from Jupiter. Is she lying to me?

madge said...

Jupiter!? Home of Burt Reynolds and his planet of glory? Monkey, it's true, there is a citty upon a hill in Florida called Jupiter from whence your human came. (Ok, so there's no hill).

I actually lived south of Jupiter, in a lovely town called, I mean, West Palm Beach. These days I'm living in fair Tampa. Monkey, you can tell your human that I love Jupiter & Juno. Prettiest parts of PBC...

Monkey said...

Ooh Madge! Tampa has much history. Did you ever read "Killing Mr. Watson" by Peter Matthiessen? It takes place south of Tampa, but still... it's a good fictional/historical slice of fictionhistory. Er...

My human was not lying to me? She's spoken before of someone named "Smokey the Bandit", but I knew then she was fibbing. All these tales she tells. She's such a hoot.

And I've been to Florida... I-95 is lovely. Yes, indeed.

madge said...

Monkey: thank you for the reading recommendation. by the way, you're more well read (and dare i say, smarter?) than coco, the sign-languaging gorilla from years ago. why didn't i ever see you on tv?