Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I am glad.

I am glad for winter and for milk.

I am glad for sewing machines.

I am glad for reminders.

I am glad for reading and for October.

I am glad for little sisters.

I am glad Kimberlina likes to draw jellyfish.

I am glad to hike.

I am glad to remember my childhood.

I am glad for fresh fruits and vegetables.

I am glad I was born in 1979.


madge said...

I am glad for the WPA posters from 1936-1943.

Spinning Girl said...

This is a unique & strangely touching post!!!

Javier said...

I'm Just Happy For Having A Family!

Monkey said...

I love these posters! So cool. I went to a town hall where they had just pulled the wallpaper off and discovered a WPA mural, it was amazing.

madge said...

SG: thank you.

FX: i'm happy for you having a family. and for all of your capital letters. wow!

monkey: i love that! wow! i have this extremely bad thing about infringing copyright laws like no other! but, i'd love to blow some of these up and frame them. for my own mural!

kimberlina said...

hey! thanks for the jellyfish mention! funny that i like them so much, since they completely give me the heebie jeebies in the wild. i have dreams of oceans of jellyfish and having to swim amongst them.
and i have a fear of having to pee on myself (if ever stung).
1979 was a good year. go sheep!
kzjoys: crazy joys?

carolina anne said...

yaay for little sisters!! got your card today, THANK YOU!