Thursday, September 08, 2005

at first sight. taste. touch. smell. sound, there was nothing.

Sometimes it's okay to be trite and make a list about something silly.
Especially if the list goes a little something like this:

These are things (mostly) that I used to stongly dislike. Then one day, I fell madly in love with them. Just. Like. That. And now, there's no turning back.

LeSportsac Bags.
Hurricane lamps.
Nicole Kidman.
L.L. Bean.
Honda Elements.
Mulholland Drive.
Winter and cold rainy days.
Jacob Have I Loved.
The WB.

(I reserve the right to add to this list when I can think of more things to put on it.)

P.S. 100th post milestone! Yeah!


kimberlina said...

*mulholland drive is wonderful. maybe not the first time, but definitely the 7th time. david lynch is rather wonderful.

*scrabble rawks

*pecan pie is nirvana. nevermind the 2-3 cups of corn syrup contained within.

*do you like winter now that you're in florida where we have NOTHING LIKE A NORMAL WINTER? i am a florida cracker and love "winter." the other day we drove with the windows down! *gasp*

madge said...

the other day had to have been Tuesday, right? Tuesday night? it was sooooooooo lovely that evening.

is it a david lynch cliche to say that i LOVE the straight story? well, i love the straight story. i saw it for .50 at this cheapo theater in my college town. and i remember this doofus sat behind me and slapped his thigh everytime the music played. sissy spacek was pppp pp p p priceless. i am so mean. how do i make this comment reply sound sincere now? it is, i swear!

duff said...

congrats on the 100th post!

missouri.....i have a love/hate relationship with that one, myself.