Sunday, February 10, 2013

where it all came crashing down

Remember when I was avoiding people from high school?

I still am.

But this was to be the weekend I could have rendezvoused with an old mate from Portland, except I whoppered myself right out it.  Not too proud, but whatever.  I over-explained why I couldn't meet up, which is like the reddest of red flags that someone is telling you an untruth.

Well if I had just waited, I could have used a real excuse:  George got the stomach flu.  Oh god, it is the worst thing in the world to watch my little one vomiting, telling me in the midst of it "I want to brush my teeth."  The worst.  By the way if that were me throwing up?  I'd be crying.  I am such a baby when I get the flu, but he's all focused on hygiene and prompt cuddling.  The weekend has been a long agony for him, but he's finally feeling better.

Now if his bug is any sort of karma for my lie, I'm going to kick karma square in the ass because fuck you karma!  Not cool.

(Ed. note: I got the flu too.  Never write this again: fuck you karma!)

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