Sunday, August 01, 2010


When we bought season one of True Blood last summer, I was not a fan.  I thought it was ridiculously bad and gave up after two episodes.  Steve was hooked.  He begged me to give it another chance but I had pretty much drawn the line:  two hours of my time had already been sucked down the drain and if I were going to do any more than that I would charge one million dollars per episode.  Not.  Gonna.  Happen.

Season two came via Netflix and I’ll admit, as hard for me as it is:  now, I am hooked in the it’s so bad it’s good kind of way (which is maybe true of most vampire stories; Twilight anyone?).  I’m not in it for the vampires.  And there are still things about it I don’t like.  One, I have no stomach for the blood. Two, Anna Paquin’s Southern accent makes me want to drive a stake through my head.  But here’s what I love: the story!  It is a very American story and it comes together at a genius level.

Now here’s the spooky: we take a walk every night with George.  Picture this:


Last night, one of the houses we passed – that we know to be vacant while it’s under repair – had something creepy going on in an upstairs window.  The entire house was completely dark and suddenly, in that upstairs room, the lights switched on in a very quick, schizo (read: haunted) manner:  flicker flicker flicker.  And then the room went dark again and stayed dark (we stood there watching it for a time).  There were no curtains so we could see the room was completely empty.  It gave me the shivers. That spine tingle.


Lauren said...

Ugh, that accent. It makes me want to stick sharp objects in my ears. Did you know that the actor who plays Jason is from Australia? It blew me away. Also, I think Alan Ball is a genius.

kimberlina said...

the accent *actually* grows on you. at least, it did for me. probably because i'm always staring at eric and/or the naked chests.

i said someday.... said...

Was just going through the "next blog" button and came upon your blog. I just have to say that I LOVE True Blood!! My sister made me watch it. I thought it was so stupid and annoying at first, too. But now, I can't wait for Sunday nights!! :)
Ummm, Eric....yeah :)