Thursday, August 26, 2010

Oh baby


This is George.  Dimpled, chubby, and smiling.  Very distracting.  He’s starting to giggle. 

He’s sleeping now or otherwise I’d be poring over him, careful not to fall into his dimples.

Maybe you can help me.

I was scheduled to return to work next week.  On Monday, I went to my boss and had a sit-down with her.  I said, simply, I need more time with George.  And she was very understanding.  I filed paperwork for another 90 days off – though it hasn’t officially been granted by the powers that be, I’m certain it will work out.  I won’t have to return to work now until December.  But here’s where I need some advice.

I don’t know that 90 days will be enough “more time”.  But I don’t know if I want to throw in the career towel, either.  I vent about my work here, but I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t love it.  I am in a good position to go upward places within my library – and this only benefits George (excellent health/dental care benefits, private school ain’t cheap, etc.).  But do I love work as much as George?  Are you crazy.  I was raised by a stay-at-home mom and I think I turned out pretty effing awesome.  I was never in daycare.  The same goes for Steve (who is exponentially more awesome than yours truly).  We put a lot of stock in this. A lot

I have a few months to think this over, but I need some input from you.  Let me know what you think about going back to work or staying home.  Ask me tough questions.  I can afford to stay home, but barely.  Or I could go back to work and spend a lot of money on daycare and Kleenex (for me), and have a little money left each month to spend on coffee.  Because I will probably have to wake up at 4:30 a.m. every day and be expected to like, deal with the public with a somewhat cheery disposition.

Oh and then there’s the whole part where we really want to have more children.  Like, stat.


Ellie said...

I don't really have any advice for you but oh, my God, little George is one of the most adorable babies I have ever seen. I would have a lot of trouble not being a stay-at-home mom, especially if you want more children right away... but the career dilemma is huge. Can you talk to your boss about what your prospects might be if you come back to the work-place in, say, six years?

Meaghan said...

Oh Madge- stay home. I been oohing and ahhing over George since he was born. I chose to stay home when my son was born three years ago. It is HARD not having a "job" but working all the time, but if you can do it mentally and financially, you will not regret it. I just started taking care of a friend's little girl full time, and the happiness she has being in a home environment has been surprising. Plus, if you stay home, you can eek a little more out of your finances because you have more time. I started cloth diapering for purely financial reasons (and LOVE IT), I can cook more, you can make it work. I have total respect for all mothers who work outside the home- it seems so much harder to do a career and still be a mom than just be full-time mom. But if you are on the fence, I feel compelled to nudge you over. After three years and two kids, I love being home. (Plus, you can't beat a second pregnancy when you can stay in your pjs all day and nap when George does.)

Good luck- this is not an easy decision.

:) Meaghan

madge said...

Ellie, thank you! I would love to return to work in six years. Perfect!

Meaghan, well you come right out and tell it like it is, don't you? I love it. I agree with you: I don't think I'm capable of being a full-time mom and full-time career person; that just seems like a really tough gig. How do those women do it? I was never very good at wearing multiple hats so maybe I keep the librarian hat in the back of the closet for the next few years and stay home now...

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll let you know how this turns out.

kimberlina said...

oh, how the hell did i miss this post? this is what happens when i don't keep up in reader. *sigh*

and that's why i love meaghan, she'll tell you exactly what she thinks and why. it's very refreshing. we're planning a weekend at the postcard inn. cannot. wait.

but i hope this all works out for you! i could only be a full-time mom if i had a hobby to keep me busy, which isn't a problem. i personally don't love my job - it's a job, but if i had the ability to stay at home? i'd totally do it.

when i have a kid, i'm sure ant and i will have to draw straws to see who stays at home, but it'll probably be him since i make more money and have way better health insurance. oy.