Monday, June 28, 2010

mmmmm smelly

I know you don’t want to hear this, but since I shower so late in the day and apparently sweat profusely during the night, my BO is RANK.  It amazes me.  Today it sort of smells like wet paint.  If you care to imagine.

I started a new book, The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein.  A friend gave it to me and said “you have to start this today.”  So I am reading it and it is kind of feel-good which I find mildly irritating (I like my literature glass half-empty).  It is told from a dog’s perspective.  Need I say more?  And while I do love dogs I like them best when they are at my feet as I read, not narrating my book and drawing similarities between human nature and race car driving.  Smart.  Catchy.   A little too smart-catchy.  Oh well, I read on…

George gets to meet his Nana and Poppa tomorrow for the first time.  My folks are coming for the week and we are all pretty excited around here. 

I must hit the showers or my motherboard might burn up and fry.


.......... said...

*sniffsniff* i can smell you from los angeles :)

read the same book. think enzo's a great name. but other than that... meh!

kimberlina said...

uhhhhhhhhhh, that new background is THE SHIZ.

have a great holiday with the extended family!