Tuesday, May 11, 2010

yawns: free

I am so, so tired.  Aren't you glad you're tuning in to read the likes of that?  I pegged George as a late baby -- but now I'm thinking he might come sooner and not because I'm wishing the time away (I love being pregnant).  I'm due June 15th but he seems to be moving lower and lower.  I don't know; I am probably wrong.  I look down at my wobbling belly and I just laugh.  My little passenger is on the move! 
I have more pictures to post from my moon of honey.  Steve had a good laugh over all the comments on bird photography and his opinions on the topic.  He knows a lot about nature.  He's been to more continents than I have ever been to countries (Africa, Australia; me? I barely touched foot in Canada once).  But nowhere in his traveling past have I ever seen a bird photo...squawk!

1 comment:

kimberlina said...

you sound like such a happy mother-to-be! it makes me smile and fills me with good feelings.

a friend somewhat recently had a terrible time during her pregnancy; i couldn't figure out if it was just in her head or not. hopefully not.
