Tuesday, April 06, 2010

zotz away


My sweet tooth is whack.  I probably overdid it when I was a kid and spent my spare nickels, dimes, and coveted quarters up the street from my house at the Disco candy shoppe.  These days I can only tolerate so much sugar before my stomach turns into a sour gas bomb.  But whatever.  I still love the idea of candy.

I hadn't seen Zotz since the 80s and my candy days.  Holy eff y'all, these are STILL awesome.  I found them at a Cracker Barrel gift shop (go ahead and laugh) and insisted that Steve try them (he has a PhD in Haribo gummy bears and a masters in Dots).   I had some too, of course, and the fizzy sour goop oozing from within the hard candy shell was something to savor for as long as possible.  Steve was all EWWW, these are too much.  No way Jose!  I gobbled up the rest in short order.  Thereafter there was, quite possibly, a lot of farting on my behalf.


Lauren said...

I too have a PhD in Haribo gummi (pronounced goomy be a half german friend) bears. Those little golden bears are dear friends. Steve and I should start a conference.

P.S. I hear pregnancy gas is an epidemic. And horrible.

kimberlina said...

i haven't had these before! i'll have to keep an eye out at my local cracker barrel.