Sunday, April 11, 2010

the downs

I'm officially starting my new job tomorrow.  I'm not so nervous as I am unsure of my decision to take the position.  I hate feeling unsure.  There is no deodorant called UNSURE.  It's SURE, and that's how I'd like to be feeling.  Instead it feels like my self-confidence dove into the shallow end of a pool and broke its neck.  End of story.  To lift my spirits, which I admit are painfully low, Steve suggested we head to the art museum for our Sunday afternoon.  We're headed there soon...

Our house is in temporary disarray since we're making way for George.  We've changed our rooms around and in the process, many things are homeless and in piles waiting for homes.  I'm trying to be realistic: will I ever look at this stuff again?  It's not so hard for me to get rid of things but it seems I always get rid of the wrong things (like that really really really important yellow folder I still haven't found, containing marriage license, passport, birth certificate, etc.).  However, George's room looks really sweet.  I loves it.

1 comment:

kimberlina said...

can't wait to see it! and i know you'll do great. you can be my supervisor anytime!