Friday, March 05, 2010

really really really

Thank you all for sharing your jalapeño miseries; they made me feel better.  Corley, yours might take the cake.

If any of you had seen the inside of my microwave before 4 pm today, you would have me fired from life.  It was beyond really really really* disgusting, especially considering how little we use it.  I cleaned it out with little effort, which makes the situation really really really* pathetic because it took me so long to a) notice and b) do anything about it.

On a similar note, what is it with a handful of my younger-set Facebook acquaintances bragging on their status updates about having housekeepers?  If you want to make me feel real shitty, you can leave me a comment about how your housekeeper is super awesome.

I had a week of topsy-turvy nerves at work.  A job interview, nasty patrons stacked on top of nasty patrons (people: relax in the library), difficult phone calls to make, etc.  I hate to be all stressed for such silly reasons, especially now, but sometimes the gig just gets to me and I fold.  Work: it just pays the bills and sometimes it really sucks.

(*Just quoting my boss, who used three consecutive reallys in a global email to describe the latest new hire's excitement for joining our staff.  I know my vocabulary ain't all that smokin' hot, but jay-sus cuh-rist with the reallys - though it's really really really addicting to use in my own writing.)


The Q said...

I really really really wish I had a housekeeper. I am disappointed in myself for not being able to keep my very small shack clean. Ever. Maybe the housekeeper would take the freezer-burned and now thawed-out bag of sugar snap peas out of the sink and over to the compost two days ago. I'll probably do it tomorrow, but it would be nice if it were already done. What I'm trying to say is, I would not have fired you for the microwave.

Ellie said...

I would not have fired you either. I am however right with Corley-- I wish I had a housekeeper. My house is a dust factory-- some houses collect it, mine actively produces it, at a rate that would get our economy back on track if you could sell it. I am in fact on the computer right now taking a break from my sudden discovery that the more dust I remove, the more dust is revealed under the removed dust. And under that dust are spiders who met their end in years now beyond memory. I'd hide under the bed, except for the dust that is also there.

Kate said...

Housekeepers are for sissies.

kimberlina said...

fuck, right? some friends of mine apparently just bought an au pair from china. or however that works. i guess she lives with them and takes care of their kid and their house and... WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU NEED AN AU PAIR?!

it utterly floors me. that's like, new york lifestyle. we live in tampa.

anyways, i'm sending you some mental veuve and Demanding that you take a long bath or shower or massage. capital D Demand.