Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I interviewed in early March for a promotional position at another library branch.  Yo, I got the job!  And I'm thrilled - but - another librarian who also interviewed for the same job and who I'll now be supervising immediately unfriended me on the Facebook.  Childish 40-something behavior or am I reading way too much into this?  She's just being super professional, right?  Or making a statement which seems more like it.  It took the wind out of my sails.  Unfriends!  They are the worst. The worst I tell you! 
I will give you five cents for your advice / Leave your address after your comment.


The Q said...

Um, I think she's making a statement. Sorry! I also think that she will get over it after a bit. That is the way most tantrums play out. Don't let her get you down.

.......... said...

Maybe she just didn't want you to see her secretive non-librarian side of her (photos of her and her 40-something buddies living it up), wanted to conceal her poor digital hygiene (because she'd soon be working with you) and just didn't know how to to block you on Facebook... Yeah, no. She hates you. You're young, intelligent and adorable, and she wants to be you. I'm sensing a Single White Female situation here. Just kidding. Kinda. Sorta. She'll get over it, Madge.

But CONGRATS on landing the position!!!

kimberlina said...

hm. if it were me, i'd probably go through the usual gamut of irritation, pissiness, anger, depression and then feel indifference. obviously that person wasn't a good friend if she had the gall to unfriend you without even talking to you about it. it's definitely childish behavior.

was she someone who talked to you a lot normally, in real life? just a work acquaintance fb friend?

if so, i'd just try to act like nothing had happened, like i hadn't even noticed it. be just a nice and then ignore her when and if she tried to friend me again.

madge said...

To all of you, thank you.

I think you're all right: she's having a tantrum. I don't know if she still is - and yes - this is someone I've had a good relationship with in the past (we even grabbed dinner once!). When I saw her yesterday, which I was completely dreading, she hugged and congratulated me. But there was something strange about her, like "I'm going through a tantrum, and this is the best I can do."

She'll get over it...and we'll all move on. I will keep yous posted.

kimberlina said...

ugh, pathetic! she's getting me all hot in the neck. thanks for your other post, btw. i wouldn't have known that you'd responded! follow-up comments clog my inbox and sanity.