Monday, February 01, 2010

why I don't read too much about "my condition", exhibit A

Because all new parents are this retarded:

Your newborn baby is born with some automatic (aw-tuh-mah-tik) reflexes (actions). 


The Q said...

Oh, God - people who need to read that should not be having children.

kimberlina said...

oh my christ - i followed the link and tried to read it in a non-condescending voice.

and then, when i got to the pronunciation, i almost drowned on my water; i didn't realize that was a quote!


Lauren said...

"positive self-esteem (think good about himself)" My personal favorite.

LittlePea said...

This reminds me of my sister's first pregnancy. She called me one day and said she didn't want to go to Lamaze class anymore because of all that stuff. She and her husband kept getting dirty looks when everyone else wanted to talk about their "feelings" because they couldn't stop themselves from laughing.