Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Meeting two best buds for a quick lunch date – we picked a midway point between our two libraries and will hustle to and fro just so we can enjoy each other's company.  I love doing things like this.  As a result, all I can concentrate on is making it the three more hours until the rendezvous.  I'm trying my best to have my librarian brain on, but it is off today.  Crap.


I've started reading a book!  Hoorah!  I'm having a hard time putting down Louise Erdrich's latest novel Shadow Tag.  Ever since I read Plague of Doves last year, the author just haunts me.  And she's doing it again.  Love!  I've got a huge chunk of a book on my desk that I'm pondering – I'll have to read it in little bits:  Joan Didion's collected nonfiction, We Tell Ourselves Stories in Order to Live.  And Steve is rereading Catcher in the Rye and I love nothing more than to hear him quote it.  We get hysterical for Holden Caufield.


We took a break from the Olympics last night and pretended it was Friday night.  We ordered in and watched Everybody's Fine, a movie that made me cry so much even Jane ignored me.  I am usually a critic so tough I annoy even myself, but I couldn't help myself with this one…for admitting such, you can conclude Madge Equals Negative Five Points and I will love you still the same. 

1 comment:

Lauren said...

A number of pregnant women have told me that it makes them really stupid (their words not mine). They say they can't concentrate and they forget everything.