Saturday, February 13, 2010

loading and unloading

So I'm bringing back my insanely retro 2GB iPod nano (2GB! I laugh).  Back?  Back?  Where did it go?

Here's where:  it was in a drawer (the same drawer where I keep approximately 8 rolls of packing tape; thanks, Costco).  The battery was dangerously dead.  I struggled locating its USB cable; ultimately, I resorted to Steve's Drawer of Cords & Cables and what do you know - yahtzee.  I revisited my old version of iTunes; I could see exactly where my tiny music library stopped in time in early 2008 (two years ago!).  Then I updated iTunes to version 9.0.3 or whatever (I was somewhere in the 7s).  Then I was back "in."  I had three unspent iTunes gift cards, accumulated from two Christmases!, so I loaded those into my bank.  And I was off to the store to music shop.  Except I had and still have no idea what to buy.  I'm working on it.  You can give me advice; I'll gladly take it.

I have a million reasons why I'm not a huge iPod listener (i.e. I think they're for the subway set, not the Florida commuter; I have retarded ears and have never found comfortable earbuds that fit correctly - always they fall out, etc.), but I have one HUGE (and getting bigger) excuse to have my iPod on all the time (while I can) at work:  I just can't stand the storm of vaccine conversations that somehow fall out of the clouds and land, unsolicited, all around me, the pregnant lady.  First of all, they mostly come from my boss who has no children, but she makes sure I know that vaccines are the devil and they will certainly give my son autism, and don't I know about the conspiracy and the government is evil (then why do you work for it?).  Seriously, this comes from my boss (remind me to tell you why she sleeps with a gun under her pillow).  Then there's the dad on staff who has 4 autistic children and wrote down his wife's phone number for me since she can better tell me all the facts proving vaccines cause autism.

2GB iPod nano, save me.  Carry me far away from the vaccine convos.  Or the library nutcakes.  Please! PLEASE.


Ellie said...

Can I just say: I work at a high school. All of our students have been vaccinated (they have to have been, in order to be there). I have seen six classes of them come and go and not an autistic person among them. What is it about being pregnant that makes people force their views down your throat? (I hear this happens; I have never been pregnant). Also, isn't it great to be married to a guy with a Drawer O' Cables? Scott has had one for literally every cable need. Saves so much hardware store time!

The Q said...

We have a basket o' cables. A whole wicker laundry basket full of cables. True, we never have to shop for one, however, it is difficult to navigate and tangled and frustrating. I wish we only had a drawer.

You don't ever have to charge the iPod, really. Just keep the ear buds in, and when people start to talk to you ignore them for just long enough to make them think you can't hear them over the music.

madge said...

Ellie - thank you! Love the drawer-o-cables, too. He's so organized.

Qorley - I like your idea with the faux battery charge. Even if you pretend to be reading this particular dad cuts right into your book and starts talking. About autism, usually.

Kate said...

OMG yay!!!

kimberlina said...

i love my over the ear headphones - plus, the fold down! score!

and what do you like, music-wise?

i have 2 friends, a couple, who do all their research on vaccines and "chem trails" on youtube. it's highly distressing.