Friday, February 05, 2010

day off

As much as I've tried to deny it, I'm coming down with a cold.  I had one over Christmas, too, which really knocked me off my feet.  So, again?  Really?  Steve pinpoints the germ origin to his office, but working with the public never did yours truly a favor.  It's my weekend and I'm trucking it, pretending everything is coming up roses and scorching my throat with hot tea.  

Here is where I ask myself a most serious question:  why in the hell have I stopped reading (unrelated to my no-reading mandate on all things pregnancy)?  It's making me crazy, but I haven't picked up a book since last year.  I even have a couple on my shelf that I've started, committed to liking, and then, nothing.  One tiny little goal I have is to finish a book by the month's end.  Haha!

We made marriage announcements to send out and it's a good thing I can (sort of) take my time with them.  I'm a slacker when it comes to all things proper.  But I must have a little goal to complete by tomorrow:  these announcements must be sent out!  In related news, we don't yet have wedding bands and there's no fire under us to get those, either.  Dude!  We are the worst married couple, ever. 

...Though, we do have our sights on a honeymoon in late April.  North Carolina!  The mountains!  An A-frame cabin!  It's my dream come true.  

And here is where I go feed the kitties dinner, kvetch about my throat, and stuff my face.

1 comment:

kimberlina said...

*laugh* dude! i like your low stress approach. our rings were made by some couple in utah and cost like... a ridiculously low amount. under $100. for both.

kind of makes me want to get another one - even thinner (2mm?) and frosted! not with bling, but just not super shiny. oh man. i need a bunch of cheap wedding rings!